In Jammu and Kashmir’s ongoing security operations, Before the encounter of the two terrorist involved in terror attacks, the terrorists were seen in the Saida Sukhal village of Hiranagar, going door-to-door asking for water. Alert villagers, suspecting foul play, shut their doors and raised alarms, prompting the terrorists to open fire randomly in the air and at a passing villager. This chaotic situation led to a rapid response from security forces.

Anand Jain, Additional Director General of Police for the Jammu zone, who is supervising the anti-terror operations, shared details of the incident. “The terrorists panicked and fired randomly when villagers grew suspicious and raised a hue and cry. One terrorist was killed overnight while trying to throw a grenade at the police, and the second terrorist was eliminated this morning,” he said.

During the encounter, a paramilitary soldier was killed in action. Additionally, Omkar Nath, a civilian injured in the firing, and his wife were evacuated to the hospital. Officials have denied reports of additional casualties.

Meanwhile, another encounter took place in Doda, where terrorists attacked an army base in the Chattargala area late last night. Five soldiers and a special police officer (SPO) were injured during the attack. Security forces have cordoned off the area and are engaged in an ongoing operation to neutralize the terrorists.

These incidents follow closely on the heels of a recent terrorist attack in Reasi, where a bus carrying pilgrims was attacked, resulting in nine deaths and 33 injuries. The attack was reportedly orchestrated by Lashkar-e-Taiba commander Abu Hamza.

The swift response and successful operations by security forces underscore their commitment to combating terrorism and maintaining peace in Jammu and Kashmir.