Congress leader Karti Chidambaram, son of former Union Minister P Chidambaram, received a show-cause notice from his party for stating that Prime Minister Narendra Modi surpasses Rahul Gandhi in popularity. The 52-year-old Lok Sabha member allegedly made these remarks during a Celevision interview with a Tamil news channel. The Tamil Nadu wing of the Congress issued the notice, with former MLA KR Ramaswamy as the sender, demanding a response within 10 days.
Although sources close to Karti Chidambaram informed NDTV that only the All India Congress Committee holds the authority to issue such notices to Members of Parliament, the notice originated from the state unit.
During the same interview, Karti Chidambaram also expressed confidence in electronic voting machines (EVMs), despite the ongoing confrontation between the Congress and the Election Commission. While the Congress’ communications chief, Jairam Ramesh, had recently pressed for a meeting of I.N.D.I.A party leaders with the EC, Karti Chidambaram’s statement emerges amid the party’s heated dispute with the Election Commission regarding EVMs.
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