On Thursday, the Karnataka Congress government made the Preamble to the Constitution a daily requirement for all public and private schools and colleges. On Friday, Vidhana Soudha, the state Assembly, hosted a reading of the Preamble in honor of International Democracy Day. Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah was present. The Preamble reading event was also attended by Congress MLA Rizwan Arshad, Dr. G. Parameshwara, Ramalinga Reddy, Eshwar Khandre, and Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar.
State minister for Social Welfare, HC Mahadevappa, said, “The citizens need to discharge their basic duties as are enshrined in our Constitution. Hence, across schools and colleges, the reading of the Preamble to the Constitution is being arranged to make children aware of the ideals and principles that went into making it while also informing them of the constitutional responsibilities.”
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