Karnataka Deputy Chief Minister DK Shivakumar dismissed Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent claim that Congress-ruled states, including Karnataka, function as “ATMs” for the Congress party. Speaking to reporters in Bengaluru on Monday, Shivakumar called the remark “a lie,” suggesting that the Prime Minister was misinformed. “Someone has misled him. I think the Chief Minister (Siddaramaiah) has already commented that if he (Modi) proves [the allegations], he will quit politics. What more do you want,” Shivakumar stated.

PM Modi’s Attack on Congress at Maharashtra Rally

Prime Minister Modi made the remarks during an election rally in Akola, Maharashtra, while campaigning for the BJP ahead of the state assembly elections scheduled for November 20. Modi accused the Congress party of using Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, and Telangana as “ATMs” for its central leadership. “Wherever Congress forms government, that state becomes an ATM for the Congress’ royal family,” he alleged. Modi further claimed that Congress had “looted” Rs 700 crore from liquor sellers in Karnataka to fund its campaign in Maharashtra.

Congress Demands BJP’s “Self-Introspection” Amid Controversy

While BJP leaders defended PM Modi’s accusations, Congress leaders hit back, challenging the BJP to engage in self-reflection on similar allegations. Congress leaders argued that the accusations were baseless and merely aimed at discrediting the party ahead of the elections.

In related news, Shivakumar recently campaigned in Wayanad, Kerala, for Congress general secretary Priyanka Gandhi, who is contesting the bypoll for the Lok Sabha seat scheduled for November 13. Shivakumar expressed optimism about Priyanka’s chances, claiming that her candidacy has garnered support from voters across political lines. “People want Priyanka to become their MP,” he said, adding that he is confident she will serve her constituency well.

The Wayanad seat was vacated by Rahul Gandhi after he retained his Lok Sabha seat in Raebareli, Uttar Pradesh. The vote counting for the bypoll is set for November 23.