On 30 Dec 2024, Tamil Nadu’s Chief Minister MK Stalin announced the unveiling of India’s very first glass bridge at Kanyakumari, where a 77 meters long glass bridge, along with 10 meters in breadth, connects one side of Vivekananda Memorial, leading to an unparallel walk above ocean waves. Based on its locational advantage to the southern point of India, it has shortly emerged as another important tourist landmark of this glorious city.
If you’re planning a trip to Kanyakumari for the New Year, here are five activities you shouldn’t miss:
Visiting Vivekananda Rock Memorial
The Vivekananda Rock Memorial is located on an island of rock in the sea and can easily be reached by a short boat ride. This monument was created to commemorate Swami Vivekananda, who in 1892 came to this rock to meditate and attain the state of spiritual enlightenment. It houses a statue of Vivekananda, an auditorium, a meditation hall, and offers a magnificent view of the ocean.
Sunrise and Sunset at Kanyakumari Beach
Kanyakumari is the place where the Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, and Bay of Bengal meet. It’s a very beautiful view when the sun rises from the ocean side in the morning and sets on the horizon in the evening. It is its unique drama that was brought about by the three seas with the landscape.
Visiting Thanumalayan Temple
The Thanumalayan Temple is located in Suchindram near Kanyakumari and is dedicated to the three deities—Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma. The temple is famous for its grand architecture, with intricate carvings, massive pillars, and a serene sanctum that highlights the historical and religious significance of the temple.
Cape Comorin Lighthouse Trek
Tourists will enjoy a treks adventure and a thrilling panoramic view of the surrounding coastline with the Cape Comorin Lighthouse, one of India’s oldest lighthouses, located at the southern tip of the country.
Kanyakumari Archaeological Museum
For history buffs, it’s a gold mine as the Kanyakumari Archaeological Museum stores ancient artifacts, sculptures, and relics that the museum has gathered over time, depicting the Sangam period and much more to know about Kanyakumari’s relationship with Tamil culture and Hinduism and maritime history.