Kannada film actor Nagabhushan S S has been arrested, as a speeding car allegedly driven by him rammed into a couple, killing a 48-year-old woman, and critically injuring her 58-year-old husband, police said on October 1.
The incident occurred at Vasanthapura Main Road here on the night of September 30. According to the police, Prema S (48) and Krishna B (58) were walking on the footpath, when the accused, driving his car from Uttarahalli towards Konanakunte Cross, allegedly knocked them down, before crashing into an electric pole. They said he was driving the car in a “rash and negligent”
The severely injured couple were rushed to a private hospital. While the woman succumbed to her injuries on the way to the hospital, her husband is is undergoing treatment. The incident took place at Kumaraswamy layout traffic police limits here and the officials rushed to the spot and arrested Nagabhushan. The actor has featured in several movies, especially in comic roles. Police said a case has been registered and the car has been seized for further investigation.