Kangana Ranaut, the BJP contender for the Mandi Lok Sabha constituency, attributed her initiation into electoral politics to the support of the Mandi populace as she officially submitted her nomination papers. Alongside her were her mother and sister, accompanying her during the filing process.

Kangana expressed that the affection of Mandi’s residents had drawn her back to her native state, stating her aspiration to establish herself in politics akin to her achievements in the film industry.

“The people of Mandi and their love for me have brought me here. Women in our country are making a mark in every field but incidents of feticide in Mandi were high a few years ago. Today, the women from Mandi are in the Army, the field of education and politics,” said Kangana

When asked about Congress, she said “The anti-national mentality of the Congress party is a matter of concern for the country…”
Kangana’s mother Asha Ranaut who accompanied her said, “The public have come here to support Kangana. We will definitely win. She has done a lot of work for the people and will do so in future too…”

Her sister Rangoli Ranaut who was also present while Kangana filed her nomination said, “I extend my best wishes on this new journey of her. You can witness how the people support her in the crowd…”

After filing her nomination Kangana said “Today I have filed nomination from Mandi LS seat. It is a matter of pride for me to have the opportunity to contest from Mandi…I have been successful in Bollywood and I am hopeful that I will get success in the field of politics as well.”

Fielding Kangana in Mandi, historically a Congress stronghold, adds an element of suspense to the forthcoming Lok Sabha polls. It marks her debut in Lower House elections and presents a formidable challenge against Vikramaditya Singh, a prominent Congress figure and the son of late former Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh.

The upcoming elections in Himachal Pradesh on June 1 will not only see candidates vying for Lok Sabha seats but also filling six vacant assembly seats due to resignations and party defections. With the BJP aiming to replicate its 2019 success of securing all four Lok Sabha seats in the state, Mandi’s significance to the Congress, particularly as a bastion of the Virbhadra family, remains noteworthy. Currently held by Pratibha Devi Singh, widow of the late leader, the constituency was won by the Congress in a by-election following the passing of BJP MP Ram Swaroop Sharma.