Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate from West Delhi, Kamaljeet Sehrawat, cast her vote along with her family on Saturday during the sixth phase of the Lok Sabha elections. Sehrawat expressed strong confidence in her victory, attributing it to Prime Minister Modi’s developmental efforts over the past decade.

“Today is a very important day. We have campaigned for 84 long days, including nukkad meetings, roadshows, rallies, and drawing room meetings. We are confident of winning these elections because we have connected with people on the ground. We have received immense blessings from people, largely due to the PM’s efforts over the last 10 years,” Sehrawat told ANI.

Addressing questions about the challenge posed by her opponent, Mahabal Mishra, Sehrawat emphasized her campaign’s focus on the BJP’s achievements and future agenda. “We are fighting these elections based on our 10-year report card and are further communicating our agenda for the next five years. We fight elections on our own merits and principles. We are confident of winning with a majority,” she stated.

Mahabal Mishra, formerly a Congress Party member, joined the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) in 2022, adding another layer of competition in the West Delhi constituency. In the 2019 elections, BJP’s Parvesh Verma won the seat, with Mishra as the runner-up and AAP’s Balbir Jakhar in third place.

All seven Lok Sabha constituencies in Delhi, including New Delhi, North East Delhi, East Delhi, West Delhi, South Delhi, North West Delhi, and Chandni Chowk, are voting today.

The sixth phase of the Lok Sabha elections encompasses 58 parliamentary constituencies across six states and two Union Territories (UTs). Voting began at 7 am and will continue until 6 pm, with those in line by the closing time still allowed to vote. As of 1 pm, the National Capital Territory of Delhi recorded a 34.37 percent voter turnout.

This election phase includes several high-profile constituencies such as Anantnag, Rajouri, Puri, and North East Delhi. Of the 58 seats, 14 are in Uttar Pradesh, 10 in Haryana, eight each in West Bengal and Bihar, seven in Delhi, six in Odisha, four in Jharkhand, and one in Jammu and Kashmir.