Before filing her nomination on Thursday, Kamaljeet Sehrawat, the BJP candidate from West Delhi, led a roadshow. She anticipated that due to Arvind Kejriwal’s involvement in the money laundering case related to the excise policy, voters would not sympathize with the incarcerated chief minister.

Kamaljeet Sehrawat stated, “I thank the top leaders of my party and seek the blessings of the people of West Delhi. The party workers of AAP must be feeling cheated today. The one who used to speak against nepotism, people from his family coming out for the roadshows. Don’t they have any other leader or ministers in that party?”

She asserted that there wasn’t a surge of sympathy for the AAP in Delhi.
“He has not gone to jail for being patriotic. There was evidence against him so he went to jail,” she continued.

Virendra Sachdeva, Delhi BJP’s leader, Union Minister Hardeep Singh Puri, and several other party officials are present as well.

AAP politician Mahabal Mishra is contesting the Lok Sabha seat from West Delhi representing the INDIA bloc.

On May 25, Delhi will conduct elections for the sixth phase, encompassing all seven seats.
The capital city of New Delhi comprises seven Lok Sabha seats: New Delhi, South Delhi, East Delhi, West Delhi, Chandni Chowk, North West Delhi, and North East Delhi.

Nominations will be scrutinized on May 7, and candidates can withdraw their nominations until May 9. Vote counting will take place on June 4.