Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath said on Monday that the crowning glory of the legacy of late BJP stalwart Kalyan Singh would be the grand Ram Temple in Ayodhya, which is scheduled to open for devotees next year in January.
Singh had sacrificed his post as the chief minister for the cause of building a grand Ram Temple in Ayodhya, Adityanath said, addressing a gathering to mark the second death anniversary of the BJP leader here. This sacrifice was a mark of his deep commitment to his ideals, Adityanath said at the exhibition grounds in Aligarh. Singh’s death anniversary is being celebrated as Hindu Gaurav Diwas by the BJP.
“The new Ram Temple would mark the realisation of Babu Kalyan Singh ji’s dream and would bring solace to his soul. It would be the crowning glory of Kalyan Singh’s legacy,” the chief minister said. Adityanath said Singh had given a boost to the traditional lock and hardware industry of Aligarh when, as the chief minister of UP in 1991, he gifted this city with the “Tala Nagri project”.
Terming Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Union Home Minister Amit Shah as the chief architects of the BJP government formed in UP in 2017, Adityanath said, “This government was shaped by the development model of PM Modi and is based on his vision of ‘Make in India’.”
It is this vision that is paving the path of industrial development in the state, Adityanath said. A galaxy of senior national BJP leaders, including Shah and UP deputy chief ministers Keshav Prasad Maurya and Brajesh Pathak, were present at the programme.