Tamil Nadu BJP leader K Annamalai attacked the ruling DMK government on its poll promises and achievements so far. He is on his ‘En Mann, En Makkal padayatra and while in Uthangarai (Krishnagiri district), he said the potential of the area had not been tapped.

“CM MK Stalin says 90% of poll promises have been fulfilled, but in reality, it’s only less than 20% of promises that have been kept. For instance, he spoke about setting up of a mango pulp factory in Krishnagiri district, and upgradation of facilities in Uthangarai government hospital. This has not been done,” he said addressing a public meeting.

The saffron leader also touched upon the government-run liquor shops in the state and how the BJP will ensure their closure. This has been an important issue especially with women voters’ who outnumber male voters in this state. Even after the BJP had submitted a white paper about opening toddy shops in Tamil Nadu to the Governor RN Ravi, the state government had not taken any steps to do so, he alleged.

“If BJP comes to power in Tamil Nadu, TASMAC shops will be closed in three years in a phased manner and toddy shops will be opened. Uthangarai region has the potential to procure and sell palm-related products with value addition,” Annamalai added.

While at Krishnagiri, the BJP leader wrote on X (formerly twitter), “Pilferage-free deliverance of our social welfare measures & reaching out to the intended beneficiary is the success of our Hon PM Thiru @narendramodi avl’s corruption-free governance.” He said that the district had received 27, 213 concrete houses and over 2. 45 lakh people received individual toilets in their homes in the last nine years of the Modi government.

He reiterated that Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave more importance to Tamil than Hindi.
“Wherever he goes, he speaks about Tamil and its literature, rich culture and heritage, and the link between the language and the world,” said Annamalai.