This enigmatic ‘Mysterious Illness’ disease that has already killed at least 17 people in the Rajouri district of Jammu and Kashmir is still a riddle for authorities. Union Minister Jitendra Singh recently provided an update regarding the investigation that is being conducted on the disease, stating that preliminary tests have already ruled out infections such as viruses and bacteria as possible causes.

Toxin Identified, Further Tests Underway

Speaking at the inauguration of a new bridge in Basantpur, Singh addressed the ongoing investigation and shared key findings. He revealed that tests conducted by a toxicology laboratory in Lucknow under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) identified the presence of a toxin, which is now undergoing further analysis.

“The discussion has started, but the first test was conducted by a toxicology laboratory in Lucknow. The conclusion so far is that there is no infection, no virus, no bacteria – it was just a toxin. Now the toxin is being tested. There is a long series of toxins that are being tested, and if there is any mischief or foul play, we will know about it,” Singh said.

Further tests are being conducted by the authorities to identify the specific toxin and whether it was introduced intentionally.

17 Died from the Mysterious Illness

The mysterious disease that emerged in the first week of December 2024 has infected 38 and taken away 17 lives in Rajouri. As of now, health department officials have declared there is no present need to announce a public health emergency. However, with this statement from Singh, things became a bit more clear. What is still being investigated is what caused this mysterious illness.

Infection neither Viral nor Bacterial

Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister Omar Abdullah also commented on the issue. While visiting Badhal in Rajouri, Abdullah told citizens that authorities were doing their best to identify the cause of the illness. “Tests were done, and we concluded that there were no bacteria or viruses that caused those deaths,” Abdullah said. He added that all the deaths occurred within three families, though the precise cause remains unclear.

SIT to Be Formed Over Deaths

Taking the mystery of the death, Union Home Minister Amit Shah ordered an inter-ministerial team to be constituted led by MHA for further investigation of causes that led to such deaths. It will bring an end to all the confusion if it’s proven there’s foul play or any other factor involved.

The authorities will make every effort to resolve this disturbing issue while maintaining public safety in the area.