Enforcement Directorate on Wednesday, detained Jharkhand’s rural development minister and Congress member, Alamgir Alam, in relation to a significant cash discovery from the domestic helper of his personal secretary, Sanjeev Lal. This action follows Alam’s appearance before the ED in Ranchi for the second consecutive day for interrogation regarding a money laundering case.

“I was called today as well and so I have come,” Alam said to reporters before entering the ED office.

Alam underwent questioning by the ED for approximately 10 hours on Tuesday. His personal secretary and household assistant were apprehended by the ED on the same day, following the seizure of Rs 35.23 crore from them.

Sanjiv Lal, Alam’s personal secretary, and his household assistant, Jahangir Alam, were both apprehended by the ED following raids and the subsequent recovery of Rs 35.23 crore in cash from their premises in Ranchi, Jharkhand. Steel trunks containing the recovered cash were removed from Alamgir Alam’s residence in Ranchi on Monday night.

After overnight questioning by the ED, the pair was taken into custody on Tuesday. They were arrested under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) and were presented in a special PMLA court. Officials stated that they have been remanded to ED custody for six days.