Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren has responded to the summons issued by the Enforcement Directorate in connection with a money-laundering case related to an alleged land scam, according to sources on Thursday. The Chief Minister acknowledged receiving the agency’s letter and assured that he would provide a response in due course. The fresh summons, issued on January 22, instructed Soren to be available for questioning between January 27 and 31.
Earlier on January 20, the Enforcement Directorate had arrived in Ranchi to interrogate the Jharkhand Chief Minister regarding the land scam case. During the session, which took place at his official residence, Soren was questioned for a duration of seven hours. In a proactive move earlier this month, Soren had communicated to the federal agency, proposing that his statement be recorded at his official residence on January 20.
The Enforcement Directorate had previously issued the eighth summons to Hemant Soren on January 13, directing him to participate in the investigation between January 16 and 20. Additionally, the ED had summoned Soren’s press advisor, Abhishek Prasad, on January 16 for an investigation into an alleged money laundering probe associated with an illegal mining case. The central agency had concluded a day-long search of Abhishek Prasad’s residence in Ranchi on January 3.
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