In an unusual yet precious moment of the Maha Kumbh Mela in Prayagraj, Union Home Minister Amit Shah along with his son Jay Shah was photographed taking a dip at the Triveni Sangam besides having his grandson blessed by saints. This visit is notably meaningful as it marked the first time Shah was accompanied by his son Jay Shah’s son, giving ample expression to the beauty of generational connect at the sacred event in Maha Kumbh.
Amit Shah, who had announced his to visit the Kumbh Mela during his tour of Gujarat on January 27, had initially requested everyone to visit the festival for its holy importance. “Everyone should go to Kumbh,” he had said, describing the festival’s significance as a tie to one’s spiritual roots. His son, Jay Shah, who is the current chairman of the International Cricket Council (ICC), became a father at the end of last year. Jay Shah also has two daughters.
Shah’s Kumbh Journey
This is the second instance where Amit Shah has been photographed with his grandson. The first was when this year’s Makar Sankranti arrived, and Shah visited Ahmedabad. He performed prayers at Jagannath Temple and even went on to do a ritual with Jay Shah’s son. He also said a few words to his son, an incident that got many talking.
Notably, Shah said he has immersed himself in the Kumbh nine times before. This year marks his 10th time for him to do the sacred ritual and cements him into the Kumbh event. His constant participation in the Kumbh symbolizes his allegiance to the practices of Sanatan Dharma.