In a heart-warming display of sportsmanship and shared humanity, the mother of India’s javelin sensation Neeraj Chopra extended her blessings to Pakistan’s Arshad Nadeem, who claimed gold at the Paris Olympics. “He is also like our son,” said Saroj Devi, echoing sentiments that transcended borders and celebrated the spirit of the game.

A video of Nadeem’s mother also went viral, spreading warmth across social media. She blessed Neeraj, calling him “like a brother” to her son. “Haar jeet to kismet ki hoti hai, woh bhi mere bête jaisa hai, mai uske liye bhi dua karungi (Victory and defeat are matters of fate, he is also like my son, and I will pray for him too),” she said, her words resonating with a message of unity and mutual respect.

The mutual respect and blessings shared by the families of these two athletes reminder of the power of sports to unite, inspire, and transcend.

“Aaj Arshad ka din tha (Today was Arshad’s day) but Neeraj also gave his best,” Neeraj’s father Satish humbly acknowledged, reflecting on his performance with grace and a determination to improve.

The internet was abuzz with both mothers’ messages, and the videos quickly gained traction, symbolizing a rare moment where sports blurred the lines of rivalry.

The small village of Khandra, nestled 15 kilometers from Panipat, erupted in joy as Neeraj Chopra secured a silver medal with an impressive throw of 89.45 meters. Yet, amidst the celebration, there was also admiration for Nadeem, who set a new Olympic record with a monstrous 92.97-meter throw, a feat that proved unbeatable even for the reigning champion.

In Khandra, where Neeraj’s achievement was celebrated with the same enthusiasm as his gold at the Tokyo Olympics, his mother Saroj Devi expressed her pride, saying, “Silver is also like gold for us.”

The celebrations were nothing short of festive. A giant screen set up outside the Chopra residence drew hundreds of villagers, who cheered for every throw. Firecrackers lit up the night sky, and sweets were distributed as Neeraj’s throw assured him of his second consecutive Olympic medal.

Neeraj’s father summed up the sentiments of the night with a simple yet profound statement: “It was Pakistan’s day, but we are proud of Neeraj’s silver, especially considering the challenges he faced with his injuries.”

As the night wore on, the joy was tinged with concern over the disqualification of wrestler Vinesh, yet the pride in Neeraj’s performance remained unshaken. “Even we are celebrating Neeraj’s win but we are also upset over disqualification of wrestler Vinesh”, added Satish.