Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel conducts the ceremonial “Pahind Vidhi,” or washing of the road for Jagannath chariot, in preparation for the Rath Yatra.
#WATCH | Ahmedabad: Gujarat CM Bhupendra Patel performs the ‘PahindVidhi’ or the symbolic cleaning of the path for chariot of Jagannath for Rath Yatra.
Related News— ANI (@ANI) July 7, 2024
The eagerly awaited annual Jagannath Rath Yatra, a significant festival in India, is set to begin soon. With the final preparations in full swing, the event promises a vibrant and spiritual experience for the thousands of devotees who will gather to witness this auspicious occasion. This year, the festival holds special significance as President Droupadi Murmu is expected to attend.
According to an official press release from Rashtrapati Bhawan, President Murmu will visit Odisha from July 6 to 9. Besides participating in the Rath Yatra, she will attend various other events and witness the traditional chariot pulling, which symbolizes drawing the Lord into one’s heart.
For those who cannot attend in person, the Shri Jagannath Yatra will be available for live streaming. You can watch the event live on the Doordarshan Odia YouTube channel by visiting this link.