The Jammu and Kashmir police arrested Lal Din from Rajouri district for allegedly aiding a Rohinga woman in obtaining documents. The woman is currently residing in Narwal Bala, Jammu. Lal Din, a resident of Kampla Mohra, Rajouri, was apprehended in the Laam area of Nowshera. The police revealed that a criminal case was registered under FIR No. 215/2023 at PS Nowshera, citing offenses under Indian Penal Code Sections 420, 467, and 14 of the Foreigners Act.
The investigation follows the October 19 arrest of Haleema, a Myanmar resident. Despite the fact that she was released by the court on October 30, Lal Din’s arrest represents an ongoing effort to investigate the case further. According to the police release, during a search of Lal Din’s home, law enforcement seized significant documents with evidentiary value.
Jammu’s Deputy Inspector General (DIG) Shakti Pathak informed the public about ongoing searches in the city against individuals providing documents and plots to those arriving from outside, specifically referring to Rohingyas as non-citizens. The DIG emphasized the investigative process, mentioning that seven police stations were involved in searches at approximately 29–30 locations across Jammu. The searches aim to scrutinize documents and identify individuals who facilitated Rohingyas in obtaining Indian government benefits. Additionally, police conducted searches at a Rohingya colony in the Bathindi area of Jammu earlier in the day.
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