Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, on Thursday for a two-day visit. This is his first visit to the union territory after beginning his third consecutive term as Prime Minister. During this visit, PM Modi will unveil several development projects and take part in the International Yoga Day celebrations on Friday.
On the first day, Modi attended the ‘Empowering Youth, Transforming J&K’ event at the Sher-i-Kashmir International Conference Centre (SKICC) in Srinagar. The event focuses on youth-led development, where PM Modi will inaugurate and lay the foundation stones for numerous projects worth over Rs. 1,500 crore. These projects span various sectors, including infrastructure, water supply, and education. Additionally, he launched the Competitiveness Improvement in Agriculture and Allied Sectors Project (JKCIP), valued at Rs. 1,800 crore, which aims to benefit 300,000 households across 20 districts in Jammu and Kashmir.
PM Modi will also distribute appointment letters to over 2,000 newly appointed government employees. These initiatives are designed to empower the youth and upgrade the region’s infrastructure.
On the second day, PM Modi will lead the International Yoga Day celebrations at SKICC in Srinagar. This marks the 10th International Day of Yoga, and the Prime Minister’s participation underscores the significance of yoga in promoting health and wellness. The theme for this year’s celebration is “Yoga for Self and Society,” emphasizing yoga’s role in individual and societal well-being. The event aims to unite people through the practice of yoga, encouraging grassroots participation and promoting yoga in rural areas.
Since 2015, PM Modi has led International Yoga Day celebrations at various iconic locations, including Delhi, Chandigarh, Dehradun, Ranchi, Lucknow, Mysuru, and the United Nations Headquarters in New York. This year’s event in Srinagar highlights the continuing importance of yoga and its positive impact on young minds and bodies.