The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has released a captivating video showcasing the intense training regimen of astronauts selected for the Gaganyaan mission, India’s ambitious human spaceflight program. This video offers a glimpse into the rigorous preparation that the astronauts are undergoing, including zero-gravity simulations and other essential exercises for space travel.

The video highlights the training of four Indian Air Force officers—Group Captain Prashanth Balakrishnan, Group Captain Ajith Krishnan, Group Captain Angad Pratap, and Group Captain Shubhanshu Shukla. These officers are being trained in human centrifuges to withstand the extreme gravitational forces they will encounter during space launch.

In a significant development, two of these astronauts, Group Captains Shubhanshu Shukla and Prashanth Balakrishnan, have been selected to participate in the Axiom-4 mission to the International Space Station (ISS). This mission, scheduled for no earlier than October 2024, is part of a collaboration between ISRO, NASA, and Axiom Space.

Group Captain Shubhanshu Shukla is designated as the primary astronaut for the mission, with Group Captain Prashanth Balakrishnan serving as his backup. Both are currently undergoing specialized training in the United States, focusing on familiarization with ISS modules, protocols, and SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft systems.

This collaboration between ISRO, NASA, and Axiom Space underscores the growing partnership between India and the United States in space exploration. It also reflects India’s commitment to advancing its capabilities in human spaceflight, with the Gaganyaan program expected to launch its first crewed mission post-2025.