With Priyanka Gandhi Vadra gearing up for her first electoral contest in Kerala’s Wayanad by-poll, curiosity has risen about her son, Raihan Vadra, and his possible future in politics. Speculation surrounding the 24-year-old has intensified since his recent appearance in a video with his uncle, Rahul Gandhi, working at Sonia Gandhi’s 10 Janpath residence, sparking conversations about the continuation of the Nehru-Gandhi legacy.
In a nine-minute video posted by Rahul, Raihan is seen aiding his uncle in scraping old plaster off walls, mirroring Rahul’s efforts as they prepare the family home for Diwali. The video shows them visiting a woman-led pottery business, engaging with artisans, and attempting diya-making, a fitting nod to Rahul’s outreach efforts, reminiscent of his Bharat Jodo Yatra. Dressed in classic white kurtas, Raihan and Rahul walk together, discussing the importance of unseen labour, sparking speculation about Raihan’s potential role in the family’s political legacy.
Raihan Vadra is currently more active on social media as an artist, sharing cricket updates and family posts rather than political statements. However, his public association with Rahul, especially during such key moments, has prompted questions: Is Raihan being subtly introduced to the public as the next political figure of the Gandhi family? With Priyanka entering the political fray and Rahul continuing his grassroots approach, Raihan’s presence hints at a possible generational shift, leaving many to wonder if he is indeed the new face of the Nehru-Gandhi legacy. Only time will tell if he steps into the political arena or chooses a different path altogether.
The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.
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