After Prime Minister Narendra Modi espoused “Vocal for local” concept for the promotion of locally made goods, many young Indians have embraced entrepreneurship and dedicated themselves to the cause. A case in point is Palak Shah, CEO, Ekaya Banaras, who put extraordinary efforts in fructifying PM Modi’s dream. Just ahead of the Diwali festival, she spoke exclusively with NewsX and discussed her journey for “Vocal for local”.
Q: What is your overall idea about “Vocal for local”, advocated by Prime Minister Narendra Modi?
A: Prime Minister Narendra Modi put forth an extraordinary concept in the form of “Vocal for local” to the nation, keeping in mind the holistic career growth of local artisans of the country. Through this concept, local artisans got the chance to sell their products across the country and world as well. Their income grew with the passage of time. So far unrecognised, artisans got recognition for their products.
Q: How are you furthering PM Modi’s vision?
A: Fortunately, Banaras is the Parliamentary constituency of Prime Minister Modi. Local artisans of this religious city are being encouraged through “Ekaya Banaras” to dedicate themselves to their traditional hand-woven work and that is why, they have become a hit for the “Vocal for local” concept. Handloom products are being sold in a big way. Their products are giving a tough competition to global brands. Whenever a foreigner visits this city, s/he searches for local products. Marketing has also done a stupendous work in this mission. Banarasi sarees are also in huge demand. Foreigners come here and eagerly look for these hand-woven sarees. There was a time when the Banarasi sarees used to attract buyers from across the globe, but the onslaught of foreign brands had killed their traditional business. After PM Modi introduced “Vocal for local”, it got a huge boost.