Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently attended the wedding of Dravya Dholakia, the son of Savji Dholakia, a well-known diamond merchant and founder of Hari Krishna Exports, one of India’s largest diamond manufacturers. Modi’s attendance at this high-profile wedding in Dudhala, Gujarat, highlighted his close ties with the Dholakia family, a prominent name in Surat’s business landscape. The wedding took place at the opulent Het Ni Haveli, where Modi was seen blessing the couple, Dravya and Janhvi, in a widely circulated video.


Savji Dholakia, known not only for his diamond business but also for his extraordinary employee benefits, invited Modi to the wedding when they last met in Delhi. Dholakia expressed his gratitude on social media, noting how Modi’s presence added to the family’s joy, saying it was a moment his family would cherish, emphasizing values of “love, unity, and tradition.” In addition to the wedding, Dholakia had invited Modi for the inauguration of Bharatmata Sarovar in Dudhala, a reservoir project he established as part of his commitment to water conservation and community development.

More on the same occasion:

Dholakia, one of Surat’s wealthiest businessmen with a net worth estimated at several thousand crores, is celebrated for his unique employee appreciation gestures, often gifting luxury items. During Diwali, he has given away high-end cars, apartments, and fixed deposits to his employees as bonuses, a tradition that underscores his commitment to employee welfare. Just this month, Modi participated in one such event, personally handing out car keys to several employees—a gesture that received significant media coverage.

The Dholakia family’s commitment to instilling values of hard work and humility is evident in Dravya’s journey. Despite his privileged background, Dravya worked in a bakery at the age of 21, earning just Rs 200 a day, a move encouraged by his father to instill humility and practical life experience.

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Modi’s attendance underscores the close association between the Prime Minister and influential business families in Gujarat, especially as he acknowledged the Dholakia family’s contribution to regional employment and economic growth. Savji Dholakia, recipient of the Padma Shri, actively supports several philanthropic initiatives through the Dholakia Foundation, including the development of water reservoirs across Gujarat, aiming for sustainable water resources that could serve generations.