Ram Madhav, the articulate Rashtriya Swayamsewak Sangh (RSS) National Executive member participated in India News Manch 2023 and spoke on a variety of subjects including the next Lok Sabha election in 2024 and Supreme Court’s decision on Article 370, which he pointed out has become history.

He commented on the ongoing discussions within the BJP regarding former Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru’s role in Kashmir and stated, “Nehru has the biggest bhakts (devotees) in this country. They whitewash all of Nehru’s offences. If you say anything against Nehru, they accuse you of opposing him, claiming that he has accomplished great deeds. However, I haven’t seen any good deeds by Nehru.”

He also commented on the next Lok Sabha elections which are likely to be held in April-May 2024. Predicting that the Bharatiya Janata Party-led National Democratoc Alliance would return to power with a much bigger mandate in 2024 than in 2019, he stated that the party was growing stronger weven in the southern states of the country.

While leaving he also spoke about the Ram Mandir in Ayodhya. “The Hindu community of this country has struggled for hundreds of years and there has been a strong desire which is finally going to come true. The grand inauguration of the temple is going to take place on 22 January and it is a matter of joy for the entire country. This has no political meaning in this. This is an honour and moment of pride for the country.”