At India News Manch today, renowned poets Anamika Jain Amber, Sonarupa Vishal, Sarvesh Asthana, and Sikhā mesmerize the audience with their verses.

Unique Style of Anamika Jain:

Eminent hindi poet adds heat to the atmosphere with fiery verses, responds boldly to opponents.

Through her singing, Sona Rupa Vishal merges melody with social change, advocates for women’s empowerment.

Poet Sikha Highlights the Strength of Women:

Sikha, following Sarvesh Asthana, spoke lines dedicated to women and shared thoughts on women’s empowerment.

Sarvesh Asthana Adds Political Satire:

Following Anamika Jain, Sarvesh Asthana took a humorous dig at politicians, entertaining the audience with examples of political figures.