The Haryana State Commission for Women (HSCW) has formally urged Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini to transfer Jind Superintendent of Police (SP) Sumit Kumar following allegations of sexual harassment brought by women police personnel under his command. Renu W. Bhatia, HSCW chairperson, confirmed that SP Kumar met with the Commission to present his case on Wednesday, where he appeared to deny the allegations. However, Bhatia emphasized the need for an independent and unbiased inquiry, which she argued would be best facilitated by transferring the officer from his post.

The Commission initially raised these concerns during a hearing in New Delhi on October 29, where Kumar presented his defence. Following this, the Commission sent an official letter to the Chief Minister, noting the serious nature of the allegations and the importance of a transparent investigation. Bhatia stated, “We believe the inquiry should proceed without any influence from the officer in question,” stressing that the officer’s continued presence could affect witness testimonies.

Prominent voices like wrestler-turned-politician Vinesh Phogat have added pressure on the state, calling for justice for the complainants and questioning the government’s commitment to protecting women within law enforcement ranks. Phogat commented, “Their voices have either been silenced or are being suppressed every day,” emphasising solidarity with the victims.

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The inquiry is set for November 7, when further details and testimonies are expected to be reviewed. HSCW hopes that a temporary transfer or leave for SP Kumar will allow witnesses to come forward freely and ensure a fair investigative process without potential bias from a superior in command.