The INDIA block was criticised by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who said that by missing the Pran Pratishtha ceremony at Ayodhya in January, its leaders had disrespected Lord Ram. He compared the Congress’ manifesto to that of the Muslim League and claimed that the party is firmly rooted in appeasement politics.
Speaking at an election rally in Pilibhit, PM Modi reiterated his stance, stating, “INDIA alliance parties have always opposed the construction of the Ram Temple. Despite pursuing legal avenues, when they were graciously invited to the Pran Pratishtha ceremony, they declined, thus disrespecting Lord Ram. Those from their party who attended faced suspension for six years.” He continued to criticize the Congress, asserting that they are deeply entrenched in appeasement politics and suggested that their manifesto reflects the ideology of the Muslim League.
He urged the public to remember those responsible for this action and accused the Congress and Samajwadi Party of opposing the Citizenship Amendment Act due to political appeasement. PM Modi highlighted the significance of various festivals being celebrated across the country and expressed gratitude to the attendees of the rally, emphasizing the message of support for his government.
In a notable development, the BJP has fielded Uttar Pradesh Public Works Minister Jitin Prasada from Pilibhit, replacing Varun Gandhi. This marks the first time since 1989 that a member of the Gandhi family is not contesting from this constituency. Pilibhit is scheduled to vote in the first phase on April 19.
Jitin Prasada, who previously won Lok Sabha polls in 2004 on a Congress ticket, joined the BJP in 2021 after a stint as Union minister in the Congress government and subsequent victory from the Dhaurahara seat in 2009.
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