The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is preparing to launch a door-to-door campaign in Uttar Pradesh to reach out to Other Backward Classes (OBCs) before the Lok Sabha elections. OBCs are a significant vote bank in the state and the BJP government is making every effort to communicate with them. The party’s OBC Morcha has formed a team to actively engage with potential voters in every Assembly constituency from September.
The OBC Morcha has created teams of 50 party workers from these backward classes. Special focus will be given to 79 OBC castes in each constituency, and workers will go door-to-door to prepare the ground. Narendra Kashyap, the Morcha’s state president and a minister in the government, said, “Considering the elections, our aim is to prepare this team for all 403 assembly seats. We will train and prepare active workers and leaders from the backward class. These workers will receive training to understand the work of the BJP government, and they will manage the campaign until the Lok Sabha elections.”
The party is also planning to organise special events in every Assembly constituency on the birth anniversaries and memorial days of eminent personalities. The BJP also plans to reach people through social media to win all 80 seats in the state. The OBC Morcha will initiate this plan by conducting training workshops in every district and forming teams of youths. About 20,000 youth will be prepared in the state. This team will work up to the Mandal level, disseminating the work done by the Central and state governments for backward classes. Social media volunteers will be trained as well. Kashyap also mentioned that several teams have been prepared so far. Each team will consist of 23 members for the Lok Sabha, Vidhan Sabha, and the state. Additionally, teams of 13 will be formed at the district and Mandal levels. These volunteers will highlight the work done by the BJP at the Centre and in UP for the backward class.
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