Union Health Minister JP Nadda, on Friday, performed yoga at Yamuna Sports Complex, marking the 10th edition of International Yoga Day. On the occasion, the 63-year-old minister asked citizens to incorporate yoga asanas into their day-to-day lives. Photos and videos of Nadda performing various Yoga poses have now gone viral on social media.

Watch JP Nadda performs yoga in Delhi

The BJP Minister also underscored that yoga has spread to all across the world under PM Modi’s governance. He said, “Under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi, Yoga has reached every corner of the world. I got the opportunity to perform Yoga with enthusiasts today. Citizens should adopt Yoga in their day-to-day lives to avail benefits,” he said. Meanwhile, Minister of State for Health Anupriya Patel marked Yoga Day at AIIMS, Delhi wherein she performed Yoga poses with doctors and healthcare professionals.