The weather office has issued a ‘yellow’ alert for moderate rain and thundershowers on Saturday in Delhi, parts of which continue to reel from a flood-like situation. Several areas, including Laxmi Nagar, Ayanagar, Lodhi Road, Mungeshpur, and a few localities in east Delhi, witnessed light rainfall on Friday. There was a light drizzle in other areas, including Lutyens’ Delhi.
In a forecast, the India Meteorological Department said light to moderate rainfall is expected to continue in Delhi on Saturday and added that a ‘yellow’ alert has been issued for the city.
“There would be generally cloudy skies with moderate rain and thundershowers,” it said.
The Met Office uses four colour codes: green’ means all is well, while ‘yellow’ indicates severely bad weather. It also suggests that the weather could change for the worse, disrupting daily activities.
An ‘orange’ alert is issued as a warning for extremely bad weather with the potential for disruptions in commutes with road and drain closures and interruptions of power supply. A ‘red’ alert is issued when extremely bad weather conditions are certainly going to disrupt travel and power and pose a significant risk to life.
On Friday, the minimum temperature in Delhi settled at 26.8 degrees Celsius, a notch below the season’s average. The maximum temperature was also recorded a notch below normal at 34.2 degrees Celsius.
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