The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) has issued a red alert for heavy rainfall in western Madhya Pradesh, eastern Rajasthan, Gujarat, the Konkan region, Goa, and Central Maharashtra. According to IMD scientist Dr. Naresh Kumar, the monsoon is currently in an active phase, with a deep depression in Northeast Madhya Pradesh and low pressure in Southwest Rajasthan. As a result, these areas are expected to experience extremely heavy rainfall. Meanwhile, no rain is expected in the Delhi-NCR region for the next two days.
Dr. Kumar also mentioned that heavy rainfall is anticipated in Kerala, Coastal Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu in the coming days. The northeastern states are also expected to receive heavy rainfall. Once the monsoon trough shifts to its near position, light to moderate rainfall is expected in Delhi.
In Himachal Pradesh, recent cloudbursts and flash floods have caused significant damage, closing 191 roads, including three National Highways, and disrupting 294 electricity supply schemes. Nearly 120 water supply schemes are also affected in the state.
The IMD reports that the monsoon trough at mean sea level currently passes through Bikaner, Jaipur, Satna, the center of depression over north Jharkhand and the surrounding area, Bankura, Canning, and then southeastwards to the northeast Bay of Bengal.
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