Mizoram police recently conducted a large-scale operation against illicit liquor and drugs across the state, resulting in the seizure of drugs and illicit liquor valued at over Rs 6 crore. Additionally, 94 individuals were arrested in connection with these activities.

Neihchungnunga, CPRO of Mizoram police, emphasized the ongoing efforts of the police force in combating illicit liquor and drugs. He stated, “Seizure of local made liquor (LML), illicit liquor being smuggled to Mizoram from outside and drugs have been made since the announcement of Lok Sabha election on 16th March 2024 which shows high demand of liquor and drugs in the state.”

As part of the state-wide drive, Mizoram Police seized over 4773 litres of Local Made Liquor (LML) worth Rs. 23,28,000, 2577 litres of Indian-Made Foreign Liquor (IMFL) worth Rs. 41,23,200, 66 litres of BEDC worth Rs. 49,500, and 636 cans of Beer worth Rs. 3,18,000. Additionally, about 13,340 litres of fermented rice worth Rs. 46,69,000 were destroyed during the period from 16th March 2024 to 8th April 2024. This operation resulted in the registration of 51 cases at Police Stations and the arrest of 61 accused persons.

Furthermore, Neihchungnunga reported, “5.513 kg of Heroin worth Rs. 1,65,39,000, 26.469 kg of Methamphetamine worth Rs. 3,44,09,700 and 23.085 kg of Ganja worth Rs. 1,15,425 were also seized during the same period. 25 cases were registered at Police Stations and 33 accused persons were arrested in these cases.”

The CPRO of Mizoram police commended the efforts of the police force in different districts for their role in controlling alcohol and drugs, stating, “We really appreciate the role played by Mizoram police in different districts in controlling alcohol and drugs through various means. These achievements are possible with their commitment and dedication to uphold laws, protect public safety and reduce the harm associated with drugs and alcohol abuse within communities.”