In a tragic incident near India Gate, an ice-cream vendor was brutally stabbed to death, leading to the arrest of the accused, Ajay alias Akshay, and another individual involved in the crime. The police, investigating the case, have pointed to a suspected love triangle as the motive behind the heinous act.

The incident unfolded around 9 p.m. on Wednesday night when 25-year-old Prabhat, the ice-cream vendor, was attacked multiple times near his ice-cream cart at C-Hexagon in India Gate. Passers-by alerted the authorities upon discovering the bleeding body of the victim at the scene, prompting a swift response from law enforcement.

DCP (New Delhi) Devesh Mahla stated that after deploying 12 teams and scrutinizing footage from various CCTV cameras, the accused, Ajay, was apprehended in Noida within eight hours of the crime. Subsequently, the woman involved in the love triangle was also arrested for allegedly conspiring in the murder.

While two cell phones belonging to the victim were recovered from the accused, the murder weapon, a knife, remains unlocated as of now.

Investigations have revealed that both the victim and the accused were romantically linked to a teenage girl residing in south Delhi. Ajay confessed during interrogation that he was introduced to Prabhat by the girl, who purportedly wanted to end her association with him.

Prabhat, originally from Uttar Pradesh’s Etawah, lived in south Delhi’s Sangam Vihar and operated an ice-cream cart in south and New Delhi. Ajay, on the other hand, hailed from U.P.’s Gonda and worked at a tent house in Noida.

The case underscores the complexities of personal relationships and the tragic consequences that can arise from conflicts within them. The police continue their efforts to gather more evidence and bring justice to the victim’s family in this unfortunate incident.