Tina Dabi, a prominent Indian civil services officer, recently conducted a raid on a spa center in Barmer, Rajasthan, amidst suspicions of it being a front for a prostitution racket. Dabi, who was appointed as the district collector just last month, has been actively engaging in various initiatives, including cleanliness campaigns and inspecting hospitals for negligence, often captured on camera and shared widely on social media.
Details of the Raid
The raid occurred during a cleaning campaign near the Sadar police station. Dabi unexpectedly arrived for a surprise inspection and noticed that the doors of the spa center were locked from the inside. After several attempts to gain entry, she requested the officials to open the doors. When there was no response, police officers entered through the roof and broke down the door. Inside, they discovered five women and two men in compromising situations, leading to their immediate detention for questioning.
The operation was documented on video, revealing several women attempting to shield their faces while the men were inside the spa.
Concerns Over ‘Unethical Practices’
Local residents have raised concerns about numerous spa centers in Barmer city, alleging involvement in unethical activities. Today’s raid marks the first significant action taken by the police in response to these complaints. Reports suggest that the operators of these establishments obtain licenses from the Labor Department, allowing them to recruit women from West Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Nepal to run prostitution under the guise of legitimate spa services. While the police have previously acted against illegal spa centers, they often resume their activities after being released on bail due to a lack of sustained enforcement.
In addition to her recent activities, Tina Dabi has initiated a project called “Navo Barmer” (New Barmer), which aims to enhance cleanliness in the city using modern technology. Dabi, who made headlines for her wedding to fellow IAS officer Pradeep Gawande in 2023, continues to drive various initiatives for community improvement.