The Himachal Pradesh Police have launched a statewide campaign against drunk driving, resulting in fines for 1,246 motorists since the initiative began on September 24. The campaign, which will continue until October 8, is part of a broader effort to reduce road accidents and promote responsible driving, officials said on Wednesday.
Led by Director General of Police Dr. Atul Verma, IPS, the drive aims to curb drunk driving through stringent enforcement. During the campaign’s first phase, between September 24 and October 1, police conducted checks on 46,901 vehicles across various districts. This led to the issuance of 1,246 challans for driving under the influence, a significant increase compared to the yearly average of 195 per week. Additionally, 290 individuals were arrested under Section 202 of the Motor Vehicles Act.
Police also recommended the suspension of 483 driving licences for offenders caught driving under the influence. Authorities emphasized that this is part of a comprehensive strategy to deter future violations and ensure road safety.
Acknowledging that drunk driving is a major cause of road accidents, the Himachal Pradesh Police appealed to the public to refrain from driving under the influence and report any violations to local authorities or by dialing 112. “We are committed to making Himachal Pradesh’s roads safer and will continue strict enforcement actions,” police officials stated.
The campaign will continue with close monitoring of road safety violations in the coming days.
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