Coming down heavily on the previous Haryana government led by Congress leader Bhupinder Singh Hooda, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Sunday said that the former Chief Minister of the State ran a “3D government” made up of “Darbari, Damad, and Dealers.”
Shah was addressing a public gathering in Sirsa to mark nine years of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government at the Centre. Home Minister Shah added that the current Bharatiya Janata Party government, led by Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar in Haryana, succeeded in abolishing all “three D’s.”
During his address, the Union Minister also took a jibe at the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance’s (UPA) tenure at the Centre and said that corruption under the previous regime had cost the nation over Rs 12 lakh. However, Shah said: “In the last nine years, even our Opposition cannot accuse PM Modi of a single corruption case. Nine years ago, terrorists from Pakistan intruded into India and killed our soldiers, but the then Manmohan and Sonia government kept mum. After PM Modi’s government came to the Centre, Pakistan tried to do the same, and within 10 days we gave Pakistan a befitting reply with surgical strikes and air strikes,” he said.
Earlier on Sunday, Shah paid obeisance at Gurudwara Shri Chilla Sahib in Sirsa. He also addressed a gathering in Punjab’s Gurdaspur, where he targeted the Bhagwant Mann-led Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government.