The second anniversary of the passing of former Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Kalyan Singh will be marked by the introduction of the “Hindu Gaurav Diwas,” according to a statement released on Sunday. The official statement read, “Union Home and Cooperative Minister @AmitShah ji will inaugurate “Hindu Gaurav Diwas” tomorrow on the second anniversary of Kalyan Singh ji’s passing in Aligarh (Uttar Pradesh).

Meanwhile, Shah, along with Union Ministers Piyush Goyal and Smriti Irani arrived in Aligarh and were received by Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath earlier today.
The event is taking place at the Numaish Maidan in Aligarh.
Addressing the event, Union Minister Piyush Goyal hailed the government and stated, “We consider the position of the Prime Minister as a medium to serve the poor. Remembering Babuji (Kalyan Singh), let us all pledge that we will elect Modiji (PM Narendra Modi) as the Prime Minister again in 2024”.

At the state and national levels of the Bharatiya Janata Party, he also held a number of organizational positions. In the meantime, Shah visited the election-bound state of Madhya Pradesh a day earlier and unveiled the state government’s performance evaluation. Amit Shah, the Union Home Minister, said on Sunday that Madhya Pradesh was once regarded as one of the “Bimaru” (ill) states during the five decades of Congress rule, but it was no longer one when he presented the 20-year evaluation of the BJP government there.