The Hindu Sena has taken legal action by approaching the Supreme Court regarding alleged hate speeches delivered at various events across India, targeting the Hindu community and Sanatan Dharma. Vishnu Gupta, the National President of Hindu Sena, filed a plea seeking the court’s intervention in enforcing its directions on hate speeches, as laid out in the Tehseen Poonawalla case.
Gupta’s plea highlights hate speeches made at events throughout India, which he claims advocate for war against a significant section of Indian citizens and openly call for the genocide of Hindus for ethnic cleansing. He specifically mentioned speeches by Udhayanidhi Stalin, Asaduddin Owaisi, Maharashtra leader Awhad, Bihar MLA Fateh Bahadur Singh, and Samajwadi Party leader Swami Prasad Maurya.
According to Gupta, these speeches not only incite hate but also pose a serious threat to the unity and integrity of India, endangering the lives of millions of Hindu citizens. He asserts that the respondents have ignored the Supreme Court’s directives in the Tehseen Poonawalla case, and he seeks urgent and effective compliance with these directives.
Gupta’s plea requests that the Supreme Court ensure compliance with the punitive measures outlined in the Tehseen Poonawalla case for those guilty of hate speech.
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