The actor, Kangana Ranaut who was contesting as a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate, has a landslide victory over Congress opponent Vikramaditya Singh. She is a vocal proponent of nationalism has won the Lok Sabha election in Himachal’s Mandi by 72000 votes. This was her first time contesting in the elections.

Ranaut revealed to reporters that she was quite upset with the result in Mandi and that her “motherland” had summoned her back during the vote-counting process for the general elections in 2024.

The latest data from the Election Commission shows that the Bollywood actor who turned politician has earned 5,24,079 votes. Vikramaditya Singh, the son of the late Virbhadra Singh, the former six-time Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh, is in second position with 4,51,226 votes, according to the poll authority.

Kangana Ranaut, a prominent figure in the Indian film industry, has had a remarkable journey from being an actor to venturing into politics. Known for her bold performances and outspoken nature.

However, her career took a turn when she started speaking openly about various issues prevailing in Bollywood, including nepotism and favoritism. This led her to become a vocal advocate for outsider talent in the industry.

In 2019, she officially joined the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), expressing her support for Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his policies. Ranaut’s foray into politics marked a significant shift in her career, as she began actively participating in political discussions and advocating for various causes. Despite facing criticism and controversies along the way, she continues to be a prominent figure in both the entertainment industry and political sphere, with her journey reflecting a blend of talent, resilience, and activism.

Alongside her political endeavors, Ranaut has achieved numerous milestones in her acting career, winning multiple National Film Awards and Filmfare Awards for her performances.

Known for her versatility and dedication to her craft, she has portrayed a wide range of characters on screen, earning acclaim for her roles in films like “Queen,” “Tanu Weds Manu,” and “Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi.” Ranaut’s lifetime achievements extend beyond her filmography, as she continues to make headlines for her bold statements and unwavering commitment to her beliefs, both on and off the screen.