The state of Himachal Pradesh has been placed on high alert due to a rain warning. All Deputy Commissioners have been placed on watch and are ready to handle the rain calamity, according to Naresh Chauhan, the Chief Minister’s principal media advisor. So far during the past six days, a loss of Rs. 219.54 crore has been estimated and 20 people have lost their lives. Nearly 30 roads are closed, 88 water supply schemes are hampered and 11 water supply schemes are disrupted in the state. Since June 24, after the arrival of the monsoon, five houses, 21 cow sheds and two shops were fully damaged, 30 houses were partially damaged, and 352 cattle also died due to floods.
“During the past few days, due to heavy rainfall, 20 people have lost their lives, most of these are road accidents and six cases out of this are drowning. Almost all roads are open, apart from a few rural areas. Those who want to come to Himachal Pradesh are welcome here as everything is open in the state,” said Naresh Chauhan, Principal Media advisor to Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Thakur Sukhwinder Sukhu. “Only rivulets and river banks are at risk for flash flooding; a warning has been issued in this regard. In some areas of the state, we are prepared. The provision of electricity and water is constrained and is now being restored. For the duration of the monsoon season, the Chief Minister has ordered all districts to remain on high alert, the speaker continued.
Shimla Police announced on thursday that it would station guards along the banks of the district’s waterways to stop drowning incidents.
The action was made in response to an increase in drowning incidents brought on by the region’s continuing monsoon season and excessive rainfall. Sanjeev Kumar Gandhi, Superintendent of Police for the Shimla District, stated that in this regard, signage warning against approaching the river banks will be put up along with river guards near the rivers.
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