Himachal Pradesh’s Industry Minister Harshvardhan Chauhan announced on Wednesday that the state government plans to finish the Bulk Drug Park by March 31, 2026. Chauhan assured the media that the project is progressing swiftly in accordance with union government guidelines. In response to Congress legislator Kewal Singh Pathania’s question in the Assembly about the status of the Bulk Drug Park, Chauhan explained that, although the project was approved for Himachal Pradesh in October 2022, it experienced delays due to the elections.

“However, the state has secured Rs 275 crore from the union government and initiated necessary formalities, including environmental clearances. The project will require significant investments in water, land widening, and electricity infrastructure, with funds already allocated accordingly,” said the minister.

A major initiative worth Rs 1,000 crore is in progress to build a state-of-the-art drug manufacturing facility in the Haroli Assembly segment of Una district. Covering an extensive 570 hectares, this large-scale facility aims to transform medicine production in India. The project is expected to introduce advanced technology, create job opportunities, and enhance the local economy.