Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu on Monday inaugurated the new Secretariat building, built at a cost of Rs 43.07 crore and featuring all modern amenities.
The eight-storey Armsdale Building Phase III will house offices of the Disaster Management Cell, Command and Control Centre and the Tribal Development Office, besides conference and meeting halls, rooms for officers and branches of the State Bank of India and the Punjab National Bank. It also includes parking for 123 four-wheelers and 60 two-wheelers. The old Secretariat is a heritage building where many historic decisions were taken. The new building is a sign of the government’s commitment to keep pace with modern technology, Sukhu said in a statement issued here. The chief minister reiterated that Himachal Pradesh is going through tough economic conditions and expressed confidence that the state can become self-reliant in the next four years for which the government is taking economically-prudent decisions.
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