A high-profile case involving the alleged rape of a minor girl by a former Delhi government official and his wife took a significant step forward on Wednesday. The Tis Hazari court took cognizance of the charge sheet filed against Premoday Khakha, the former Deputy Director of the Women and Child Development Department, and his wife Seema Rani.

The couple has been in custody since August following their arrest in connection with the alleged sexual abuse of the minor girl. The victim, a friend of Khakha’s daughter, had moved in with the family after losing her father. According to police, Khakha repeatedly raped the minor over several months, resulting in her pregnancy. The victim claims that Khakha’s wife also threatened and coerced her into having an abortion.

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The court has scheduled a hearing on December 5 for the scrutiny of documents related to the case. Delhi police are also expected to file a supplementary charge sheet against Khakha’s son and daughter, who have been granted protection from arrest by the Supreme Court.