A disturbing incident occurred at a popular coffee chain, Third Wave Coffee, in Bengaluru, where a hidden camera was allegedly discovered in the washroom on Saturday morning. An eyewitness reported that a smartphone was placed in the dustbin of the washroom by an employee, aiming the camera at the toilet seat. The employee has since been terminated, and legal action has been initiated.
Incident Details
A social media post by the eyewitness stated that a woman found the smartphone, which had been recording videos for approximately two hours. The phone was on flight mode to avoid making any noise, and the dustbin bag had a hole cut out specifically for the camera lens, concealing the rest of the device.
The woman immediately alerted the café staff, who identified the phone as belonging to one of their employees. The incident was reported to the police, who quickly arrived at the scene. Authorities are currently investigating the matter and taking appropriate action.
Coffee Chain’s Response
Third Wave Coffee assured customers that the safety and well-being of patrons are their top priority. They have terminated the accused employee and are working closely with authorities to ensure appropriate action is taken.
“The safety and well-being of our customers is always our priority. With regards to the isolated incident that occurred at BEL Road Cafe on August 10, the person under question has been immediately terminated. We have a stringent zero-tolerance policy and have initiated necessary legal action against him,” the chain told Hindustan Times.
Eyewitness Account
The eyewitness, who runs a popular cinephile Instagram account, expressed horror at the incident and urged vigilance in public washrooms. She emphasized that such invasions of privacy could occur anywhere, including cafes, restaurants, and bars.
“It can happen anywhere with any chain of cafes or restaurants, and even bars where people are not too much in their senses when they use washrooms. It’s not just trial rooms and hotel rooms where we need to watch out for hidden cams. Keep this in mind. The world is a sick place,” she added.
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