In a heartbreaking incident at Maharani Laxmi Bai Medical College in Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh, Yakoob Mansuri, a young father, braved a fierce fire to rescue seven infants from the neonatal ICU. However, he was unable to save his own twin daughters, who tragically lost their lives in the blaze.
The devastating fire, which broke out on Friday night, claimed the lives of 11 infants, with one more dying later in the hospital. Yakoob, who was outside the hospital when the fire erupted, rushed into the ICU despite the raging flames. After smashing a window, he was able to rescue seven babies, but the intense heat and smoke prevented him from reaching his daughters.
“It was a massive fire that no one could withstand,” Yakoob said. He described the scene as chaotic, with parents and hospital staff struggling to save the infants. “I tried to reach my daughters, but the fire was so intense. We started rescuing other babies, and I saved seven,” he recalled, his voice filled with sorrow.
Yakoob later identified the bodies of his twin daughters. Now, devastated by their loss, he is seeking justice for his children and the other victims of the fire. “We just want justice for our children,” he said.
An initial investigation points to a short circuit as the cause of the fire, with the presence of oxygen cylinders worsening the situation. The inquiry also revealed that the fire extinguishers in the ICU had expired four years ago.
In response, the Uttar Pradesh government has formed a four-member committee to investigate the incident, identify the cause, and determine if negligence played a role. The government has requested a report within seven days.
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