Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren on Friday along with his wife Kalpana Soren attended a function, where 40,000 tribal students from Odisha’s KIIT and KISS institutes were gathered.
Impressed with a large gathering of the tribal students at the function of Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology and Kalinga Institute of Social Science here, Soren said his government “would not hesitate to provide support for a KISS-like institute in Jharkhand where students would be imparted skill and technical training”. He said establishing such institutes could facilitate access to education for tribal students.
He added that Odisha and Jharkhand share some common problems like left-wing extremism.
KISS is a higher education institute established in 1992-93 in Bhubaneswar, Odisha. It provides education to students of deprived tribal communities from across the country.
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