After three students tragically drowned in the basement of a coaching center in Delhi’s Old Rajinder Nagar, Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi described the incident as “the height of negligence and mismanagement.”
In a post on X, Priyanka Gandhi expressed her heartbreak over the deaths caused by waterlogging in the basement of the institute. She conveyed her condolences, saying, “I pray to God for the departed souls and the bereaved families.” She also highlighted a recent incident where a student died from an electric shock in Patel Nagar, emphasizing the severity of negligence and mismanagement that endangers the lives of students who come to the city to pursue their dreams.
Gandhi called for immediate action to rectify all illegal and life-threatening constructions housing students, labeling the situation as “criminal and irresponsible.” She insisted that accountability should be established and urged for the correction of any illegal or dangerous conditions in areas where students preparing for competitive exams reside.
On Sunday, Delhi police arrested two individuals, the owner and coordinator of the IAS coaching center, following the tragic deaths caused by basement flooding due to heavy rains. The victims were identified as Shreya Yadav from Ambedkar Nagar district, Uttar Pradesh; Tanya Soni from Telangana; and Nivin Dalwin from Ernakulam, Kerala. This incident occurred just days after a UPSC aspirant was electrocuted on a waterlogged street in the national capital.
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