Delhi was brought to a standstill on Wednesday as heavy rainfall battered the city. The deluge, along with strong winds and lightning, led to inundated streets, submerged homes, and significant traffic snarls. Consequently, the India Meteorological Department (IMD) issued a “red alert” later in the day, and all schools in Delhi are shut today, August 1.

Delhi residents faced numerous challenges, including navigating waterlogged streets, dealing with high cab fares, and managing water entering their homes. Social media was flooded with reactions as people criticized the city’s infrastructure and shared images and videos of the flooding.

Many users highlighted the situation in Karol Bagh, sharing a video of a staircase turned into a waterfall and writing, “Just 20 mins of rain in Delhi today and look how Karol Bagh is already screwed.”

A photograph of the flooded Press Club, located just steps away from the Parliament, has also gone viral online.

In New Friends Colony, residents were seen wading through ankle-deep water. A local resident remarked, “One hour of medium rain and A-Grade Colony paying the highest slab of property tax gets flooded due to neglect, bad management, choked rainwater drains.”