Heavy rainfall has inundated several areas in Tamil Nadu, causing flooding and disruptions. Erode district experienced water entering around fifty houses in Annai Sathya Nagar due to continuous moderate to heavy rainfall throughout the night. Tirupur, another affected region, witnessed waterlogging in residential areas, particularly in the Avinasi region, leading to sewage and rainwater entering houses in various areas under Tirupur Municipal Corporation. The north Tirupur region recorded 167 mm of rain.

In Nilgiris district, Coonoor, heavy rain resulted in landslides and fallen trees on the Ooty-Mettupalayam mountain railway line, leading to the cancellation of the mountain train service. The Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) issued an ‘orange alert’ for extremely heavy rainfall in Puducherry, Karaikal, and Tamil Nadu on November 22nd and 23rd. The IMD explained that a deep easterly wave prevailing over peninsular India is contributing to the heavy rainfall. Due to safety concerns arising from the inclement weather, train services in the affected regions were disrupted.

In response to the forecast, the education minister of Puducherry announced a holiday for schools in the region. The situation underscores the challenges posed by heavy monsoon rains and the need for preparedness and infrastructure resilience in vulnerable areas.