As heavy rain lashed several parts of Tamil Nadu and the India Meteorological Department issued a heavy rain alert for the next seven days, the district administration has declared a holiday for schools and colleges in Kanyakumari on December 18. The IMD has forecast heavy rain in several parts of Tamil Nadu for the next seven days. According to IMD, a cyclonic circulation that was over the Equatorial Indian Ocean and adjoining southwest Bay of Bengal off the south Sri Lanka coast now lies over the Comorin area and neighbourhood.
The southern districts of Tamil Nadu have already been witnessing heavy rains since the early morning hours of Sunday. On Monday, light to moderate rain is likely at many places over South Tamil Nadu, at one or two places over North Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Karaikal. Heavy to very heavy rain is likely to occur at one or two places over Kanyakumari, Tirunelveli, Thoothukudi and Tenkasi districts of Tamil Nadu. On Tuesday, light to moderate rain at a few places in South Tamil Nadu, at one or two places over north Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, and Karaikal, with thunderstorms and lightning at one or two places, is likely to occur.